When you understand the whys around canine gastro-intestinal problems, then you are in a much better place to put into action the hows.
Many people feel powerless in the face of their dogs gastro-intestinal problems, whether they be diarrhoea, constipation, farting, rumbling, vomiting or all the myriad of medical terms that pepper consultation rooms.
Starting With The Whys
There is an expression, ‘you are what you eat’. Let’s take that a bit further and consider ‘your gut reflects what you eat’. Taking that further still ‘ your health depends on what you eat’.
In human medicine, there is a denial about food affecting your health. Perhaps the agenda here is to disempower you and to sell more drugs. After all, doctors are no advocates for patients. Instead, they are salesmen for the pharmaceutical industry.
Vets have progressed (?) a little more in that they try to get your dog onto the commercial pet food they sell. This ‘progression’ isn’t altruistic. It’s based on the extra income they derive from not only selling the food, but also in managing the disease that results from this diet.
The commercial pet food industry is only a few decades old, but it is highly popular, very influential and a billion dollar industry across the globe.
Whenever you have a mega profitable industry, you have corruption. As day follows night. Sadly, that appears to be the nature of humans. At least in our current time.
The commercial pet food industry buys cheap food, food unfit for the more lucrative human market, that can be rancid, inappropriate for the species, even rotten.
This is hidden in the cooking process with the addition of highly questionable supplements that for the most part are synthetic and therefore useless and potentially harmful. Supplements that make the food look appetising to the human and smell appetising to the dog.
Don’t be fooled by the pretty packets and patent lies of ‘Scientifically Proven’, ‘Holistic’, “Natural’ or all the other false claims and empty words.
Canine gastro-intestinal problems start with this. All commercial pet food is high in carbohydrates, which is unsuitable for our near-carnivorous dogs. The kibble or dry food is particularly harmful, with around 50% carbohydrate, whether from grains, tapioca, corn or any other cheap source.
To keep the kibble, which hopefully, does contain some meat, on the shelf at room temperature for years, it doesn’t take much intelligence to appreciate it must be laced with a strong preservative. And they are – with preservatives so strong they are not allowed in human food and cause organ damage to those people who are exposed to them.
Your canine friend had a wonderfully functioning immune system before being fed this inappropriate, nutrient deficient and toxic diet. The system is still trying to manage the health of your dog and can only do that by expressing itself through these signs and symptoms.
Having looked at why your dog has any of the gastro-intestinal problems vets create mysterious, and important sounding, names for, let’s look at how to rectify them.
Exploring The Hows
Changing the diet of your dog to one similar to the one they evolved on – raw meat and bones – can be a game changer. Young dogs will generally take to this quickly and easily. Older dogs may be junkies who need a little persuasion. Older dogs may also go through a conversion stage of de-toxing, which can look alarming, but is, for the most part, totally natural and normal.
You may need someone to hold your hand through this stage, but it won’t come from vets who are, for the most part, ignorant of the benefits of raw diets. Or perhaps, they worry about the loss of income. Because a dog on a raw diet is a very healthy dog. Chronic diseases can disappear. Rare and uncommon diseases don’t appear. Vet bills plummet. Great for you, but don’t expect your vet to agree.
Canine gastro-intestinal problems are a way your dog is showing you all is not well, and it would be appropriate to change courses. Clearly what you are doing is not healthy for them. Changing ideas can be challenging and confrontational. However, they are inevitably beneficial. Your dog is trying to teach you. Accept the offer gracefully.
Learn about homemade diets and how easy and quick it is to make.