Hip dysplasia in dogs is generally considered to be of a genetic origin. Probably it comes from too much selective breeding, if not in-breeding. It is where the hip is malformed so it can’t function properly. It is often a painful problem and almost always creates difficulty in free movement. Practically all vets will tell you that the only way to help the dog is through surgery, and perhaps with the use of prosthetics.
Quite apart from the cost, surgery is not without considerable risk. Add to that the enormous invasion the surgery entails and you can expect your dog to be thoroughly traumatised, with total recovery taking weeks if not months. Further surgery later on in life cannot be ruled out.
From the homeopathic approach, surgery only treats the effect of the problem, not the cause. And homeopaths don’t like to treat the effect of the cause of disease. We like to treat the cause. By treating the cause, the resolution will be permanent, even if it does have genetic origins.
When all you do is to treat the effect of a disease, then you are, in effect, suppressing the body’s natural ability to heal itself. In time, this results in more diseases. More trauma. More expense.
The homeopathic approach to hip dysplasia in dogs, or in anyone, is to take the totality of the symptoms of the dog and then match it to one or a few homeopathic medicines. If the match is a good one, then the problem will invariably improve considerably, with a good chance of a complete reversal of the problem, if you stay with the treatment long enough.
Let’s look at the symptoms necessary to make a good selection. First, it does depend on the dog because different dogs have significantly different natures. For example, the collective unconsciousness of the german shepherd is different from that of the pekinese. Their role in life is different.
The personal nature of the dog also needs to be considered. Not all dalmations are happy, lively and energetic. Some are shy or introverted. If details of the puppyhood is known, so much the better. Hip dyspalsia caused by injury and/or abuse is treated very differently homeopathically, than that which is caused by genetic selective breeding.
Next the side affected is important.
Then the personal modalities of the problem must be taken into consideration. Such as, is it worse on the first movement, but then gets better for a while, before deteriorating again? Is it better in the summer or winter? Is rest uncomfortable, so the dog becomes restless?
It is normally only sensitive people who will be able to discern these subtle differences. But this information will go a long way towards the homeopath making a good choice of medicine/s.
How can an orally administered, homeopathic medicine reverse a structural problem? My explanation goes something like this. We know that all our body cells are being replaced constantly. Logically, this should mean that a disease gets better in time, not worse. But each cell passes on its memory to the new cell. The memory of the original cause of the problem.
A well matched homeopathic medicine gradually wipes out this memory, so the new cell is healthier than the old one. And so a gradual improvement is possible.
With structural problems such as this, you would expect the healing to take time. This is because the replacement of bone cells is much slower than those of soft tissue. However, you can expect to see improvement, especially in pain, quickly. Natural dogs health provides lasting health for any condition, by improving the immune system. This allows natural healing to occur, helping hip dysplasia in dogs.
6 replies to "Hip Dysplasia in Dogs"
Mardeleine, this sounds of course very interesting and promising. But I still do have big doubts. Also as classical homeopath. When a dog suffers from HD, the femur does not fit correctly into the pelvic socket. We cannot make fabric that is not there.
I agree that weakened or ill fabric can be healed and replaces itself with healthy material, but when it does not exist?
Do you have experience with this?
The problem with us mortals is that we think too much. We try to reason everything out. But there is little we understand in reality. Limiting our minds also limits our experiences. No one patient is the same as another. You try and see how far you can go. That’s true with experiences and life itself.
I’m definitively not opposed to alternative treatments, in contrary, but I admit I have the same (limiting) concerns as Irmgard. It would be fantastic if homeopathic meds could help in remodeling hip joint …but I have never seen a documented case of this in hereditary dysplasia. If you know of a documented case I would be very interested to know! On the other hand, I’ve seen homeopathic treatment (and also acupuncture) to be successful as an (adjunctive) therapy for suppressing pain and inflammation caused by HD..
With humans, I believe in the ‘mind over matter’ … almost anything is possible if one can access the subconscious mind and reprogram it, even repairing genes and DNA (Bruce Lipton has a very interesting stuff on this). But with animals, I just can’t imagine how we would be able to do this … You say “limiting our minds also limits our experiences” and I agree 100%, but this is not about our (human) belief system. In case of healing radio-graphically proven HD in dogs with homeopathy, isn’t it perhaps just “wishful thinking” …
Human limitations come from limited belief. Once you accept that all life is dynamic, then suddenly the world opens up. Then you are not focused on the material. If life is dynamic, then the treatment should also be. And I know of no faster or gentler system than homeopathy, for every condition and every life form. Life is a journey. You choose your path and your speed of travel.
I live in New delhi, India. My 4 months old Boxer puppy has been diagnosed with a slight hip dysplasia of the right side. One vet suggested an aggressive treatment that entails 3 injections each week for 6-8 weeks (Im not sure what but it includes some steroid and pain killers). My regular vet opined that its just developmental HD and an aggressive treatment is not needed and it will only affect the pup’s liver and kidneys. He has put my pup on a non aggressive NSAID (50 MG Nimuslide/day) and a couple of natural supplements like Glucosamine.
I have total trust in Homeopathy and seek your suggestion on what medicines to give to my puppy. He is too young to be suffering. Being a boxer, he has a natural tendency to jump and run…he just vannot do all that without being in pain…its tearing me apart.. Please help.
Thank You
Yes, homeopathy can help is these situations very well. However, to find the appropriate remedy, would need a consultation. You can find the details for this at the menu at the top of this blog.