Most people find an itching dog drives them crazy. This is in addition to the concern they have for the dog. An itchy dog is relentless in their activities and inside dogs can keep the whole family awake at night. The snuffling, the scratching and the gentle (or not so gentle) banging of a leg against a wall or floor often leads to human irritability.
Most people immediately think that the cause is fleas. This is only one of the many causes and is by no means the most common. So before you reach for that toxic bottle or spray you purchased from the vet or pet store, consider other reasons, consider the cause and consider some natural solutions.
The skin is the number one organ of the body that every living being prefers to use to detox themselves. The skin is the least important organ of the body, much less so than the internal organs. That it is visible and can become itchy often leads to the use of harsh medication that simply drives the cause internally, to those more important organs.
The skin is often the organ most affected by an allergy, with itchy eruptions and hives common.
Other common skin problems that can be itchy are eczema, dermatitis, urticaria, psoriasis, dry skin, herpes and fungus. Whatever the name, the cause is very often the same – high levels of toxicity. Some people get an itch from a feeling of insects crawling under or on the skin, known as formication. There is no reason to suppose this does not happen in dogs.
The veterinary solution to an itching dog may start off with harsh flea control drugs (which contain ingredients that affect the nervous system), antibiotics and ultimately cortisone.
None of these measures address the cause. All of them suppress the effects of the cause, rather than the cause itself. All of therm increase the toxicity in the dog, creating more problems. The lifespan of the dog is reduced.
High toxicity is perhaps the number one cause of any skin problem, including an itchy one. We live in a toxic world. Up to a point your dog is capable of eliminating toxins. But the level can be so high that the intake of the toxins is far higher than your dog can eliminate them.
The main sources of the high levels of toxins are commercial dog food, which contains a veritable cocktail of harmful chemicals, and veterinary medication, including vaccines.
When you start to feed your dog real food, when you stop the toxic intake of veterinary medicines, your dog may well have a healing crisis, as the toxins are expelled with a vengeance, as quickly as possible.
This can look alarming to someone who doesn’t understand what is going on, including your vet. But it generally lasts only a short time and then your dog’s energy and well being start to take off.
Fleas are virtually non existent in dogs who are fed a quality, natural diet. The common and unhealthy diet of typical commercial dog food alters the pH of your dog’s skin, making it highly hospitable to fleas. When your dog is not constantly taking in synthetic chemicals, they are much healthier.
Homeopathic treatment can both speed up a detoxing period (but gently) and antidote the original cause.
An itching dog is a toxic dog, an unhealthy dog and a dog crying out for you to understand the cause of the problem, rather than pasting over the effects.