Lameness in dogs is common. It could be from a sprain, a strain, an injury or simply overdoing it. Dog are active by nature, especially young or naturally healthy dogs. And high activity, especially with lots of fun, can lead to injury.

Strains and sprains in dogs are one of the main reasons people take their dog to a vet. Yet many of them can be easily managed at home, especially the mild ones. Rest and gentle exercise over the following days may be all the body needs to fully heal.

It’s worth remembering that the body has excellent healing abilities and rest and time are two of the best healers. Total rest over days will be resisted by most dogs and, I suggest, is not healthy especially for the more mild injuries. Just allow the dog to feel what they can or can’t do, without drugs (which dull the senses) and without inciting play or active games.

We can all relate to overdoing an activity, that feels all mended after a good night’s sleep.

Even when the sprain, strain or injury is a little more than mild, it can still be easily managed at home, when trained in the home use of homeopathy. Homeopathy is a very flexible, effective, deep acting and economical system of holistic healing. The selection of the most suitable medicine can produce startling results quickly.

Learning to use a few of the most commonly used medicines doesn’t take a lot of effort, but it does take some. The use of homeopathy is very different from medicine, so you do need to learn how to use it.

Lameness in dogs, just as in anyone, can means a variety of different conditions. It could mean an injury to a muscle, a tendon, a ligament, a bone, a joint, as well as the degree of injury mentioned above.

Injury to muscles are most common, such as in sprains. Injuries to ligaments, tendons and bones/joints, tend to be more serious, or can be, and they are best dealt with by a professional homeopath.

The only exception here is that a compound fracture still most definitely needs to be set. But the supportive healing protocol is still better managed and more quickly healed with good homeopathic treatment. With that, it is better to go for setting the bone rather than pinning it. Pinning can leave problems.

The homeopathic approach to these injuries does not entail surgery. Yet even serious cruciate ligament injury can be restored. This treatment is very undramatic. There are no bells and whistles. Which often leaves the unknowing highly suspicious of its ability. However, you can’t lose anything by trying (except the price of the consultation, which may be a hundred or two), and you can save yourself a great deal of expense (normally a few thousand), not to mention the trauma for your dog.

I have successfully treated my own serious tendon tear in a foot, as well as torn ligaments in dogs, including the anterior cruciate ligament or acl. Surgery is one option, but by no means the only one.

And the homeopathic way of healing tends to be permanent; there is rarely a tendency for it to recur when done correctly.

If you are looking for more natural options of health care for both you and other family members, then I highly recommend that you explore what homeopathy can do. The lameness in dogs may have brought you here, so that you can discover a whole new way of managing your health and that of your family.


Madeleine Innocent

You know how often people struggle with their dog’s health? They want to know WHY they suffer with health issues and all their veterinarian can offer is drugs and more drugs? They feel helpless and at the mercy of another.Well, what I do is to help you pinpoint WHY your dog is getting sick and implement a strategy that takes you to a feeling of empowerment, of being in control of their life. A strategy that restores their health and allows you, and them, to enjoy life.

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