natural dogs health


a new way to think about your dog's health

Diet, lifestyle and healthcare all play critical roles in your dog's health. Discover the best approaches for a vibrantly healthy dog. 

naturally healthy dogs

nutritious food for dogs

No-one can be healthy when they eat the wrong food for their species or when the food is not nutritious.

walks, exercise outdoors provides stimulation

Dogs need mental stimulation and regular exercise. A walk in a park or in Nature, where they can run and explore and perhaps engage with others, provides this.

health care

natural health care supports a healthy immune system

Despite all the new technologies in veterinary medicine, there is an epidemic of unhealthy dogs. The immune system is neglected.

Discover holistic ways to restore its efficiency for a vibrantly healthy dog!

the corner stone to restore and maintain optimal health in dogs


Make your own dog food with love using the easy steps outlined in my ebook.


Happy, vibrant dogs need regular exercise, mental stimulation and training that THEY understand.

holistic health care

Homeopathy offers the fastest way to restore health. It supports the immune system and the dogs best efforts to help themselves. 

Free ebook on understanding why dogs are so sick and how you can set about changing that

Subscribe and receive regular emails on restoring and maintaining happy, healthy dogs!

what holistic vets think of a raw diet

what holistic vets think of raw food

Pets on a raw, quality, balanced, natural diet are less prone to disease and live healthier lives. They are more resistant to 

raw versus processed

raw vs processed

Domestic dogs health generally isn’t very good. Compared with their healthy, wild cousins, dogs are not as vibrant and do not produce such healthy....

how holistic health works

how holistic health works

Homeopathy is a complete system of natural medicine. It has a strong philosophy which is based on.....

what others say

Suzanne Codi

Three years ago, my dog Luna was near death with unexplained digestive issues. You advised me to put her on an all-raw diet, and after an enema that finally unclogged all sorts of debris  (fossilized kibble) she started on a freeze-dried, all natural raw food, and she has been healthy ever since! Many thanks again for your wisdom.

Jeremiah Cameron

I’m blown away by the recovery of my dog’s eyes (from blindness). Impressed would be an understatement.

Adeline M

Chikara (a German shepherd) has gotten heaps better, smells better, looks and everything. She is even looking younger and playing more with our new dog. I am very happy about the treatment she received and do recommend you to all our dog friends. 

Jeffrey Lapides

I’ve been meaning to write to thank you. Back in January, you told me to change my dog Reginald’s diet to a raw diet. I did and I am pretty sure it saved his life.
Within only one week, he heart rate fell by 20% and stopped the pounding I felt when I picked him up. He stopped obsessively drinking water and his intake fell by half, back to the normal amount he drank. His energy dramatically increased and he stopped going into deep sleeps during the day. One week!


Hi Madeleine, I went today to see if I could leave a comment of our sincere gratitude for all your help and patience with Jak. If it wasn’t for you we would have said good bye to him 7 years ago. He has been a courageous family member that show nothing but love and devotion to his family – he is greatly missed and has left a big hole in our hearts. We are grateful you came into our lives. Thank you.

Anne Burns

I have two dogs, and sometimes they fight.....A couple of days ago, the dogs had another fight. This time, Gabi ended up with an injured foot pad, which dripped a couple of drops of blood. My homeopath suggested remedies for Gabi and suggested that I let Gabi freely lick her wound. Within 24 hours Gabi was fine.

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