Dog dental problems are common today. Inflammation of the mouth (gingivitis or stomatitis), broken teeth and tartar on the teeth are all problems dogs face today.
Some commercial dog foods, especially the dried variety, proudly proclaim that their product prevents these conditions. But they rarely do.
It is often suggested that you need to brush your dog’s teeth, much the same as you brush your own. That this will prevent the build up of tartar. I wonder how many dogs accept this, or how many people do it.
The veterinary treatment of gum infections or other mouth infections are usually treated with antibiotics. If the problem doesn’t go away, the course is increased as is the strength of the antibiotics.
When this doesn’t work, cortisone is often prescribed. This usually resolves the problem, at least for a time.
The next line of attack for your poor, long suffering dog, is to have the teeth removed. If it is just a build up of tartar, then they may be scraped.
However, none of these rather drastic (and expensive) procedures deal with the cause of the problem. And they each carry side effects, not least of all liver toxicity and a suppressed immune system, creating further problems down the track. So what is the cause of dog dental problems?
Dogs have evolved over millions of years, without the aid of either brushing their teeth or veterinary treatment. They haven’t died out. Wild dogs are highly successful.
So what’s the difference between wild dogs and domestic dogs? Well, the most obvious differences is the diet and the health care, or lack of.
A quality, natural diet is critical to the health of your dog, not just his mouth. Sadly, veterinary colleges don’t train their students about the importance of nutrition. They leave this incredibly important subject to the commercial pet food industry, who are only too happy to oblige.
But think for a moment. Would an industry promote a product they don’t sell?
Now think beyond this. If one industry creates a problem, then another (in this case the veterinary industry), steps in for the treatment.
Am I the only one who can see this link? Have the pet food and veterinary industries come together for both their interests?
The fact is, dog dental problems disappear, never to return, when you feed him according to how he evolved. Not just that, but he is overall much healthier, happier and more active.
Download your free report for some hints on keeping a dog healthy, naturally.
4 replies to "Dog Dental Problems And Their Natural Treatment"
No Madeline, you’re not the only one. I’ve been feeding my dogs a natural diet for 20 years and it all makes perfect sense to me. However, the whole commercial pet food and veterinarian care is very deep rooted in our culture as the norm. I live in the UK and it isn’t something I talk about very often, I’ve learnt that most people aren’t able to hear anything different and get defensive. Some people laugh when they hear what I feed my dog at the moment, call him a pampered pet – well, I just smile to myself because that may be, but he’s always healthy and I never have to go to the vet.
good picture
i like it
I agree with Lin. I live in the US and the vets here sell dog food where the ingredients listed are mostly words you can’t even pronounce. I would love to find a good food to feed my two small dogs. One of them needs to have their teeth cleaned really badly, and I know that dogs in the wild don’t go have their teeth cleaned!
We’ve been feeding our little dogs a raw meaty bones diet for many years. They have no dental problems, bad breath or plaque on their teeth. Chewing the meat from the bones and chewing on the bones themselves exercises their gums, cleans their teeth and makes for better digestion. We need to ignore the self-proclaimed experts like standard veterinarians and pet food makers. Look to the animals and nature to learn the truth, what works and what doesn’t. LOVE your newsletter, Madeline. Lots of super information.