There has been a recent outbreak in various states of the United States of people infected with salmonella poisoning. It is thought that it comes from contact with dry pet food. It’s not the first time a commercial pet food brand has been found contaminated with salmonella and it probably won’t be the last.
Reports don’t go on to reveal the harm done to the pets fed this food.
Salmonella enteritidis is a bacteria that causes intestinal infections. It is very common. It is commonly present in raw meats, eggs and dairy, but at a level that rarely causes problems. Food poisoning normally occurs when the food that is eaten has been kept too long, which allowed the bacteria to spread rapidly.
Cooking destroys the bacteria.
Now, bearing in mind that most pet food comes from rendering plants, which have to comply with few if any laws, and you can begin to make a connection. The raw material may come from the waste from slaughter houses, butchers and commercial kitchens but also from road kill, euthanised animals from veterinary clinics, zoos, small laboratories, farms, stock markets and so forth.
So the source of the pet food is already old. Its transport is not refrigerated. The carcasses or meat waste is often left outside or in unprotected areas, until the plant is ready to use it.
This means the origin of most pet food is likely to be highly contaminated with many bacteria, including salmonella.
However, the processing of this food, if you can call it that, is under very high temperatures and pressures. This is why there is little concern for the bacteria to be active in the end result.
For the end result to be infected, it must indicate that there are further questionable procedures at the plant, that allow for the cross contamination of the waste and carcasses with the end result.
This is unsurprising, given the nature of the plants. What is surprising is that it doesn’t happen more frequently.
Salmonella poisoning normally lasts around a week, with diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting and abdominal cramps. It is unpleasant but not fatal, unless the immunity of the host is badly compromised.
Medically, it is treated with antibiotics. But there are some highly effective holistic treatments that not only deal with the infection, but raise your level of immunity at the same time.
Homeopathic treatment, for both the infected human and the animal can make very short work of the whole process. Homeopathy works by matching your individual symptoms with those of the curative remedy.
And a better way for the future is to avoid commercial dog food altogether. Making your own dog food can be not only healthier for you but also healthier for your dog. You remain in control of the quality of the food.
Naturally Healthy Dogs shows you how to make this a simple and healthy option.