An ear infection in dogs is common for a variety of reasons. Some breeds have very narrow ear canals. Other breeds, such as the poodle or poodle crosses, have a lot of hair in their ears. Yet other breeds, such as the spaniel, have floppy ears. If fluid, such as water from swimming, gets into these ears, it does not easily evaporate. This is considered to be a major cause. But is it?
Signs and symptoms in the early stages include warm ears, an increase in wax production, which may cause irritation, or simply general irritation in the ear causing the dog to scratch and perhaps whine.
As the infection gains momentum, fluid is produced. The dog may shake their head or paw at the ear. If one ear is worse than the other, they may take on a head tilt, towards the offending ear. Thickening of the skin can occur. There may be an offensive smell to the fluid discharge.
All this sounds logical and sensible, but the fact remains that not all dogs with those types of ears are affected. And some are affected without getting any water in their ears. So what is the real cause?
A dog ear infection is only the effect of something much deeper going on. In fact all dog infections are indicative of this. So when your dog is prescribed antibiotics for the problem, it is only addressing the effect. Which means that there is a strong likelihood of it returning. And, of course, the antibiotics may have no effect at all, even when stronger ones are used.
The effect of antibiotics is to suppress the immune system and destroy those healthy and necessary gut bacteria. Which means, even though it appears the problem is solved (acute amelioration), overall it is now worse (established a chronic tendency).
Ear problems in dogs are common now, but they weren’t always. So what has changed?
In the last 50 years or so, there have been two major changes. The arrival of the commercial pet food industry, now replacing the much healthier table scraps many dogs lived on (when the human diet was healthier, too). And the increase in veterinary medicine, particularly in vaccines.
Commercial pet food is hideous and toxic. No one who knows what it contains, can claim it to be nutritious. Except to the industries bank balances. If you don’t get good, species-specific, regular food, your health will suffer. As day follows night. When the body tries to get rid of the toxins, the safest place is the skin, through skin eruptions. When that avenue is suppressed (with veterinary drugs), the ears can be the next in line.
Vaccines are another cause of an ailing immune system. Ingredients of vaccines contain toxins and heavy metals, such as mercury, aluminium, formaldehyde, etc. These can cause neurological disorders. Not all dogs have an immediate aggravation from vaccines, but in the coming months, you can see problems arising, indicating a disturbance.
Holistic practitioners can see this happening because it invariably happens after a vaccine. Unvaccinated dogs don’t suffer this way. And holistic practitioners, unlike most mainstream veterinary practitioners, are well aware of the ingredients in vaccines.
Yeast infections in dogs ears can have the same cause. In fact, all diseases have the same cause – the disruption of the immune system by toxic chemicals and an insufficiently nutritious diet.
Over time, with repeated veterinary treatment and an ongoing poor quality diet (which is not reflected by the price), chronic ear infection in dogs become common.
Instead of treating an ear infection in dogs with antibiotics, or worse, steroids, consider the cause. Then address that. Swap commercial dog food for natural, species-specific, healthy food you prepare yourself. Swap vaccinations for holistic health that boosts the immune system, such as homeopathy. A natural dog is a healthy dog!