If you are serious about how to help an itchy dog, then you have to consider the holistic solutions. Why? Because this is the only way to get to the root of the problem and heal it properly and permanently. Everything else is just a band aid and often a dangerous one.
When you have a dog scratching a lot, it is not only unpleasant for the dog, but it can be maddening for the human members of the family.
Especially when the scratching disturbs everyone’s sleep.
It can also be perplexing when you see your dog scratching but no fleas are apparent.
No only that, but now your dog may develop itchy ears. The irritation has spread from the body to the ears. Yet there is no apparent cause for itchy ears, such as too much wax, or mites, or water not drying out.
You desperately want to stop the itching, but your vet only has cortisone to offer. And you want to avoid that because long term use, even the smallest amount, damages the organs, lowers the immune system and shortens the life span. It’s a band aid at best and a dangerous drug at worst.
What else can you do?
Understanding the Problem
First you have to understand why your dog is so itchy.
We all live in a toxic soup of varying degrees. Our world is becoming increasingly toxic – from the air we breathe, to the water we drink, to the food we eat, to the environmental factors. These include the chemical cleaners in the house, the toxic furnishings, the garden herbicides, fertilisers and insecticides. They are all chemical and all toxic to everyone, you, your dog…
However, perhaps the largest toxic culprits comes in the food you feed your dog and the veterinary medications that you use with your dog.
Make no mistake, these are highly toxic. Despite the claims made on packets of dog food, they are full of chemical and synthetic products to preserve, to tantilise taste, to top up on the nutrient short fall that inevitably happens, and so on.
Veterinary medications and vaccines are all patented and you can’t patent anything natural.
When a body is toxic, it tries very hard to eliminate them. And it can do this with many toxins, although not all.
There is a process. The first organ of choice that the body chooses to de-tox through, is the skin. The skin is not as important as other organs and can safely deal with this process without coming to any permanent harm.
Misdiagnosis is Common
The trouble is, eliminating toxins does come with symptoms. It’s unavoidable. And these symptoms are invariably misunderstood by the public at large as well as by mainstream veterinary practitioners. This is why learning how to help an itchy dog needs the holistic approach.
The skin symptoms of a dog de-toxing include:
- itching
- scratching
- a flea infestation
- a skin irritation/problem/eruption
Since vets don’t connect the dots, these symptoms are treated as stand alones. With more toxic drugs, which may kill the fleas or even apparently heal the skin condition. But at the cost of suppression. So you need to keep using the vet meds.
This makes the dog more toxic, and may shut off the skin as the most appropriate doorway to unloading toxins.
So more important organs take on this role. Organs that can be damaged by the process – the kidneys, the lungs, the liver. The symptoms that show this up are renal issues, respiratory issues, digestive issues.
Again, if there is no understanding of what is happening, more toxic drugs are used. The problem escalates and spirals out of control, until death comes as a welcome relief, at least to your dog.
It doesn’t happen all at once as the body always tries to find a way to deal with any imbalance. It can spread over just a few months or many years, depending on the overall effectiveness of your dog’s immune system and their predisposition.
You could say that a dog scratching a lot, a dog with itchy eras or an itchy dog is a wake up call for you. The itch is the canary in the coal mine. To stop it, you have to do something that may be radically different to what you are currently doing. That may test your comfort zone.
Learning how to help an itchy dog starts with this very basic understanding of what is really going on.
Holistic Solutions
The solutions are really simply. They really are.
But they may be difficult for you to implement as it may mean changing life long habits and shifting your allegiance.
For many, the welfare of their dog takes precedence.
First, you have to start feeding a quality, natural, balanced diet in keeping with where dogs come from.
Secondly, the best treatment your dog will benefit from is the holistic modality of homeopathy. Both in prevention and in on-going support.
These two combined strategies can lead to the permanent and effective solution to any ailment, including skin irritations. They are an unbeatable combination.
However, the final healing of the itch may still take time. This means you need support.
Don’t take this lightly. Your desire to learn how to help an itchy dog, may be a path your dog is trying to lead you to, for the sake of your own health. Don’t underestimate the loving desire dogs have to guide us, to help and support us make healthy choices, for ourselves as well as for them.